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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lesson review(1st lesson, 23 march)

it's only the first IS lesson for the term and I cant even believe that we are already learning so much stuff. I thought that mr. kent appear friendly too , he doesn't scolds us seriously, or maybe at all.
Well, these are the few things out of the "infintite" things that I have learnt for this lessson -

1. Web 1.0, Web 2.0.
I thought that this was something very important to learn. Apart from the only video that mr kent has provided us with for the explanation, I have gone to do some research on it to further clarify my doubts. Basically, web 1.0 is sort of like a "read-only" web, which means that the visitors only go to that website to search for information and read it- that's all. So, the really big, bad point is that web 1.0 allowed little or no users interection or content contribution. This way though, the admin of that website would be burdened with the work to provide information for all the other users without their help. *whoah, talk about being hardworking*.....
But, on the other hand, the current web 2.0 is the "read-and-write" web. Examples are facebook, twitter, myspace, or even blogs. If you don't know any of these websites yet(which is quite impossible), I shall give a brief description of them. Generally, these social networking sites allows the users to interect with one another as much as they want either by chatting on the websites or even sharing photos, images and other documents. Well, if you still don't get it, the easiest example is youtube. You see, youtube depends on the users to submit or upload videos to the website for it to work. Then, other users can watch their videos and make a comment or a video response. Now we can all see that web 2.0 is a much efficient and more interesting way to allow us to "connect" with other people around the globe easily.

2.The 57 slides (what the heck ?!)
At 1st, we all thought that this was some kind of crazy long lecture for us. But surprisingly though, it only took mr kent like,what?- at most 30 mins to go through it all? Personally, I feel that these slides were probably one of the things that made me "out-of-reason" , suddenly interested in IT. You might think that 57 slides in 1 powerpoint presentation seems scary, but it turned out that the slides were just very easy and brief(and important) information that only required less than half an hour to explain. One of the most useful knowledge I have gained from this is about the IP address and the url and their differences.(IP address is the code of numbers that are always displayed when your computer is loading the website, while url is just the web address. e.g.

Finally I would like to say that Mr. Kent's lesson was very interesting and that it made us interested to learn more of the stuff that he's gonna teach for the rest of the lessons. I guess now, that we are officially off to a start of an exciting and "exhilarating" journey of IT !!! * cant wait*

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