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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lesson review(4th lesson, 13 april)

The IT lesson for today was on CSS. Though this time, I find that this lesson is the hardest to understand so far as CSS is quite complicated for beginners. But, I think that mr kent did a good job and taught us just enough important points on CSS for us to understand it and finish the assignment without much problems/trouble.

1.About CSS

Firstly, I would like to say that CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet.
Cascading Style Sheet is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation semantics of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML.
CSS is also designed primarily to enable the separation of document content written in HTML or other similar markup languages from document presentation, including elements such as the layout, colour or fonts.
This can also improve contents accesibility, and to enable multiple pages to share formatting.

2.The CSS Challenge

This was an assignment given to us by mr kent and it is more of an add-on to the HTML Challenge that we had done last week. We were supposed to try out CSS by using it to edit the news document that we had done using HTML.
I feel that this was not much of a challenge as the skeleton of the CSS document we were suppose to create was already done for us and that we just needed to copy it from the handouts that were given. The rest however, was just pure experimenting with the elements such as the border of the background around the news document.
The main thing that I have learnt about CSS though, was that CSS is used to enhanced the way of presentation of your documents and also to beautify the documents. It is also convenient as you can edit multiple pages of a website at once to save time and make it less complex or confusing.
One very important thing to note about the assignment is that we have to copy and paste the link into the HTML notepad we had done at the HEAD section to allow the CSS to work. Another thing is that the two documents must be in the same folder or else, the HTML web page would not be able to locate the CSS and so, the whole thing would still be the same old, dull and boring unedited white backgorund.

I found this assignment quite essential to our overall understanding of CSS and its uses. I also reflected that if I had not made the choice of doing this alone, I would not have gotten this personal experience in doing CSS and that would be a very big disadvantage for me in the near future as I'm quite sure there will be a IS test around the next or next 2 weeks.
I would also like to take this oppurtunity to thank mr kent for creating this assignment for us and doing a good job at teaching us about CSS.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lesson review(3rd lesson, 6 april)

This week's IS lesson was on HTML.
Personally, I feel that it's something quite new and foreign to most of us. Nonetheless, it was still as fun as the previous IS lessons.

1.About HTML

As we have been taught by mr kent, HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Basically, it is a very popular "language" to create websites with. Think of HTML as another language, just like English and Mandarin.
So in other words, HTML is a computer language devised to allow website creation. These websites can then be viewed by anyone else connected to the internet. From what I've been taught by mr kent, I can say that it's relatively easy to learn and HTML is also very powerful in what it allows you to create.

2.The HTML Challenge

This was the assignment given to us and it's suppose to allow us to have a taste of how to create simple websites with HTML.
Well, for this assgnment, I didn't have any difficulty doing it as I had my partner to work with.
First, we revised all that was taught in class about html, the tags, how to link pictures and websites and stuff.
After that, it was all easy for us already since the indirect answers are all provided in the handouts, and we just had to spend some time revising it over again to ensure our website looks sound. We learnt a whole lot of stuff about html, example, the absolute and relative URLs.
To summarise it, absolute url brings you to another website from the link given by the website you are visiting, while relative url brings you to a page that is also from the same website(e.g. page 1,2,3, etc.)
We also learnt about the different tags. Something that we found out that is very important to note is that there are tags that come in pairs and tags that don't(single). So for the pairs, it is very essential to remember to put the ending tag after you've written or done anything after it's beginning pair, as it would most probably not work if you don't.

Altogether, I think that I'm starting to get very interested in IT as I thought that the HTML that we've just learnt was very, very intriguing and enjoyable at the same time. I hope that mr kent also had fun teaching this to us and that he would continue to teach us more of such things in the future.